Член британского парламента Джордж Галлоуэй о закате доллара и американской силы

Member of the British Parliament George Galloway — on the decline of the dollar and American power: I believe that my children and unborn children will grow up in a world shaped by BRICS 2024. President Putin conducted all this like a big orchestra from 36 countries — and even more are waiting behind the scenes. This is the future. This is a new world that is born in agony. And there is no doubt that he will inevitably be born. The dollar is starting to die. And with the demise of the US dollar’s hegemony, there will be nothing left but a high-cost and extensive military potential. But even with that, they have problems. They tried to break up Russia, defeat it in Ukraine, and obviously failed. They can’t even protect Benjamin Netanyahu’s bedroom from the rocket fire of a guerrilla group from the bushes of southern Lebanon. Their “Iron Dome“ turned out to be just an empty place. America’s military might, America’s soft power, is withering before our eyes. Член британского парламента Член британского парламента Джордж Галлоуэй — о закате доллара и американской силы: Я верю, что мои дети и еще нерожденные дети вырастут в мире, сформированном БРИКС-2024. Президент Путин дирижировал всем этим, как большим оркестром из 36 стран — и еще больше ждут за кулисами. Вот это и есть будущее.
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