The Unseen (Xbox) - Cancelled

The Unseen (also known as WarCaster) was a project developed by Tremor Entertainment for the original Xbox that was going to be published by Microsoft. In September 2002, Microsoft decided to cancel their publishing contract and The Unseen vanished without traces. The undead, walking the earth forever. It’s probably something that could really ruin a good day -- if you actually saw it. In The Unseen from Tremor Entertainment, the people not only have to see it, but they must also succumb to it. Playing as Moira, a college student with dark magical powers, players enter the mystifying world of the Unseen where dark creatures play the puppet masters with humans as the puppets. Battling all the creatures, and eventually the Ashen Order (an ancient wizards order that controls the dark forces), Moira discovers her true powers.
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