Catherine Russell: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

NPR Music’s Tiny Desk series will celebrate Black History Month with Tiny Desk (home) concerts featuring legends in the world of R&B, jazz, gospel, and hip-hop. Each artist in this legacy lineup has helped to define Black music as we know it and will be performing a Tiny Desk concert for the first time. Suraya Mohamed | February 11, 2022 Look around the GB’s Juke Joint studio in Long Island City, N.Y. and you will see adornments from jazz singer Catherine Russell’s home: a vintage Royal typewriter, a black dial phone, a red tiny desk and a striking Malian Bògòlanfini cloth that drapes the... piano. Black and white photos of Billie Holiday and old-time big bands rest on the shelves and piano along with a copy of Russells’ soon-to-be-released album, Send For Me, out April 1. Two-color paintings hang on the back wall. One was purchased by Russell from a local Panamanian artist while visiting Bocas Del Toro, her father’s birthplace. The other is from the studio’
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