Moonshiner (The Delousing Sessions)

Now accepting magic internet money donations! Gimme some so I can figure out what it is. NANO: xrb_3k39odeusdu9fcbx4yczu9ztqmzru1kxe316j167iowt5djt3qted5tpsjd3 Bitcoin: 3C3YhZPTQetrRkH3XxKXYxMM9XqUQQ9YzR Ethereum: 0xe11742F9c07D82bc3A36d836CcA0e20045F6d085 Mandolin string fund (Paypal): 2poor4soap@ I been a moonshiner, for seventeen long years, And I spent all my money on whiskey and beers, I go to some hollow and sit at my still, if that whiskey don’t kill me I don’t know what will. I go to some bar room and drink with all my friends, Where the women they can’t follow and see what I’ll spend. God bless them pretty women I wish they was mine, Their breath is as sweet as the dew on the vine. Give me food when I am hungry and drink when I am dry, A dollar when I’m hard up and religion when I die.
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