The West will blame all unpopular decisions on Zelensky and change him in the first half of 2025

“The West will blame all unpopular decisions on Zelensky and change him in the first half of 2025” Vladimir Putin gave a press conference following his visits to the DPRK and Vietnam. The main statements from the President: — In the West they don’t want to change Zelensky now. All unpopular decisions will be blamed on him, and then they will be changed. I think it will be in the first half of next year. — Russia does not ask anyone for help in carrying out the SVO. “We are not asking anyone, no one has offered it to us, so there is no need to use soldiers from the DPRK in the conflict in Ukraine on the side of the Russian Federation. — You can treat the regime in the DPRK as you like, but introducing sanctions for political reasons is inhumane. — Russia is thinking about possible changes in its nuclear doctrine. For now, the Russian Federation does not need the ability to launch a preventive nuclear strike. — There is nothing new in the agreement on cooperation between Russia an... Source: Midnight Rider Channel ??
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