Jaya Gopala Jaya Balaram - Mantra For Spiritual Nourishment | Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda

Jaya Gopala Jaya Balaram - Mantra For Spiritual Nourishment | Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa A person who desires unalloyed devotional service to Lord Krishna, who is praised by transcendental sound vibrations, should always hear about His glorification and transcendental qualities. This will surely kill all kinds of inauspiciousness in the heart. (Excerpt from Nectar of Devotion: Chapter-9 Page - 91, Author: His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, 1970 Edition) In this kirtan, Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa and friends are glorifying the transcendental brothers, Lord Krishna and Lord Balaram. By listening to and chanting along, your material anxieties will gradually dissipate as your heart becomes nourished with spiritual love. About Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa: Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa comes in a long line of self-realized yoga masters in the disciplic succession known as the Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya. His beautiful heartfelt chanting is infused with a spiritual potency that has deeply moved and inspired countless people around the world for over 45 years. Read More: Wisdom Articles by Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa: Wisdom Videos by Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa: Kirtans by Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa: Official Sites: Connect with us in Social Media: #gopala #balaram #kirtan Thank You for Watching!
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