STOP using these BORING English WORDS! 80+ Alternatives!

If you want to download the Veebsy app and improve your English pronunciation click here : Stop repeating BORING words in English such as nice, bad, happy, beautiful and more! There are 80 alternatives to these words included in the video to boost your vocabulary and make you sound more natural, smarter and score higher in exams. If you are taking IELTS and want to improve your vocabulary and use a greater variety of words then this is the video for you! SABRAH’S AMAZING VOCABULARY COURSE: If you would like more help with your English vocabulary then why not invest in our eBook : ’A Guide to Learning and Building your Vocabulary in English’ Clcik here: You can also download a FREE SAMPLE here on our home page : DON’T BE SHY, COME SAY HI! You can learn more about us at FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Facebook:
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