How to customize Bars and Waves properties and elements in Windows Media Player

This describes how to completely customize the entire “Bars and Waves“ Visualization in Windows Media Player. Here are the properties below for “Bars and Waves“: (“*colorname*“ or “#000000“ to “#FFFFFF“) (1 = 50 bands, 2 = 1024 bands, 3 = line scope and 4 = dot scope) (1 to 4) (any digit) (any digit) (“*colorname*“ or “#000000“ to “#FFFFFF“) (any digit) (any digit) (any digit) (any digit) (“*colorname*“ or “#000000“ to “#FFFFFF“) (any digit) (any digit) (any digit) (any digit) (true/false) (true/false) Here is the list of properties for every internal visualization for Windows Media Player:
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