DON’T LOOK DOWN! Canyoneering is Intense!

Are you BRAVE and WILD?! Join the Brave Crew official club - On this episode, Mark and the crew are in Utah near Zion National Park to go Canyoneering! What is Canyoneering, you might ask? Well, Mark is about to show you! Get ready to go on one thrilling adventure and learn about a NEW WAY to explore -- and remember, don’t look down! #withme Big thank you to Zion Guru for taking us on this adventure! Make sure to check out their website to head out on your own canyoneering adventure! - Welcome to Adventures With Me! These expeditions will take the Brave Wilderness audience to new heights and explore everywhere under the sun. Join us to experience a world of adventure through our lens. Please SUBSCRIBE - Are you BRAVE and WILD?! Join the Brave Crew official club - The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters. SUB
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