Just now! African coast goes underwater after cyclone Freddy in Mozambique

Natural disaster 24 February 2023. Just now! African coast goes underwater after cyclone Freddy in Mozambique The tropical cyclone Freddy, which rages in the Indian ocean, passing through the Madagascar, and significantly weakened when he fell ashore in Mozambique on Friday in the form of a moderate tropical storm. The winds accompanying the weather phenomenon are averaging 65km/h with gusts to 90km/h In Madagascar, it has caused significant damage. According to the latest update, 78,000 Malagasy have been affected by the floods, many of whom have had to leave their homes. No one is currently missing. Naturals hazards in 2022 have become more frequent. We do not know what awaits us in 2022. How global warming and climate change will affect our Earth. Watch the most current news about natural disasters on our channel. My private Instagram page, which is not connected with YouTube is The channel lists such natural d
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