Francesco Antonio Bonporti (1672–1749) - Invenzioni a violino solo, 1712 [Chiara Banchini]

Francesco Antonio Bonporti (1672–1749) - Invenzioni a violino solo, 1712 [Chiara Banchini] I. Invenzione prima en La majeur ! A major /A-dur 1 | 0: Cantabile 2 | 2: Aria. Allegro 3 | 2: Giga. Allegro 4 | 5: Recitativo 5 | 7: Bizaria IX. Invenzione nona en fa dièse mineur/ F sharp minor /fis-moll 6 | 9: Andamento 7 | 11: Scherzo 8 | 12: Grave 9 | 13: Ciciiiana 10 | 15: Grave 11 | 16: Capricio IV. Invenzione quarta en sol mineur / G minor / g-moll 12 | 18: Largo 13 | 20: Balletto. Allegro 14 | 22: Aria. Adagio 15 | 26: Corente. Presto V. Invenzione quinta en Si bémol majeur / B fiat major / B-dur 16 | 28: [...] 17 | 33: Aria 18 | 34: Giga. Presto 19 | 37: Fantasia. Amabile VIII. Invenzione ottava en mi mineur / E minor / e-moll 20 | 38: [...] 21 | 40: Balletto 22 | 43: Adagio 23 | 44: Giga Francesco Antonio Bonporti (11 June 1672 – 19 December 1749) was an Italian priest and amateur composer. Born in Trento, he was admitted in 1691 to the Collegium Germanicum in Rome, where he studied theology. While in Rome, he also studied composition under the guidance of Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni and possibly (since this is unconfirmed) violin with Arcangelo Corelli. Moving back to Trento, he was ordained in 1695. Bonporti’s musical work consists of twelve opera, published between 1696 and 1736. He influenced Johann Sebastian Bach in the development of the invention, and several of his works were mistakenly included in a set of Bach’s inventions. In reality, Bach had transcribed for harpsichord four violin pieces from Bonporti’s op. X (1712). He lived in Padua from 1740 until his death in 1749. Please help the channel, so that the content can improve in quantity and quality. Baroque music deserves no less! Support: Thank you so much! ***BAROQUE ROOM***
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