Michael Jackson Nameless EMPTY crypt 2018

#MichaelJackson #mjtruthsqaud #mjinnocent #mjisalive #mjalive Order “Alive Trilogy of Michael Jackson Documentaries“ Courtesy of cousin of Michael Jackson, Latoya, NOT sister (this time even though MJ’s sister Latoya has also released photos of his nameless crypt). The reason why there are flowers there is because MJ’s ESTATE paid $590,000 for that crypt that still remains empty because NOTHING proves Michael Jackson is dead. Absolutely NOTHING, which is MORE than this. Watch my “Alive Trilogy of Michael Jackson Documentaries“ to see PROOF for yourself. Michael Jackson Ain’t Dead! ~No name on crypt ~Forest Lawn Mortuary has stated throughout the years we don’t have MJ’s body & have never had it. ~death certificate invalid and in wrong name ~no record of MJ at Coroner’s office under # given out at Murray trial ~no record of MJ at UCLA Medical Center ~verdict in the Murray trial calls him an alleged
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