A Crypto Jew Was The Leader Of The Bloodiest Terror Group In Libya ,Lived Under A Sunni Muslim Guise

Report made by the Lebanese Al Jadeed TV about “Abu Hafs“ a leader of an Islamist terrorist group who was arrested by the Libyan authorities and after investigation , the authorities in Libya found out that he is neither Libyan nor a Muslim or even “Abu Hafs“ is his real surname! he turned out to be an Israeli Jew , his real name if “Benjamin Ephraim“ . Al Jadeed TV wasn’t the only one that mentioned this news . it was mentioned by the Israeli News Website “inyanmerkazi“ : ://דיווח-נעצר-סוכן-מוסד-ששימש-אימאם-במרכז/ It was also published by the Spanish newspaper Público (transl. ’Public’) which is a Spanish online newspaper that was published as a print daily newspaper between 2007 and 2012. The prin
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