Mike Palmer | “End of America“ Sales Letter Breakdown - PART 1 (Proven Ads 67/100)

Mike Palmer Sales Letter Breakdown | “End of America“ - PART 1 Hi. Csaba here from Game of Conversions and welcome to another day of the Proven Sales Letter Breakdown Series. In this one I’m going to break down the most successful, most profitable, and biggest direct response promotion of all time, the End of America sales letter from Stansberry Research, written by the legendary copywriter Mike Palmer. Since this is such a huge promotion - it’s 39 pages long - it’s like a mini book in its own. It has a lot of proof elements and everything, so I want to make sure that I cover the most important aspects of it. I’m going to break this video down into two first one in which we’re going to take a look at the headline, the lead, the introduction aspect of it. Also the unique mechanism of the problem, and a few other elements. And then in the next video we’re going to take a look at the offer itself and the later parts of a sales argument.
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