The First World War ’Battle Of The Somme’ like you’ve never seen before: A.I. enhanced and in color!

The Battle of the Somme took place between 1 July 1916 and 18 November 1916. It was one of the major battles of World War 1, fought between the armies of the British Empire and French Third Republic against the German Empire and took place along the banks of the French river Somme, East of the town of Albert. The full 72 minute enhanced and colorized version of this film can be viewed here : This film concentrates on the battles around the 1 July 1916 and is viewed entirely from a British perspective with a substantial amount of glorification of the battle results. The army of the British Empire is often referred to as “Kitchener’s Army“ or even “Kitchener’s mob“ in view of the fact that it largely comprised of volunteers drafted as the result of an agressive “Call to Arms“ campain setup by Field Marshall Lord Kitchener in August 1914. Kitchener who originally was a succesful British commander of the Egyptian army,
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