Elephant Cows With Torn Cartilage Ear?

Elephant ears are made of cartilage and can be broken. Ears are extremely important to elephants for both communication and cooling. Elephants flare out their ears as a warning to potential predators or for challenging other males. They also serve an important role in cooling for their massive bodies. They flap their ears when hot, and there are concentrations of blood vessels close to the surface so that heat can be transferred out more easily. Those intricate patterns of blood vessels close to the surface can also be used for identification as each ear can be as unique as a fingerprint with all the tears and nicks they get during their life. Filmed on the banks of the Sweni River in Kruger National Park. I contacted Kirsty Redman Interpretive Officer, Nxanatseni Region, Kruger National Park for more info. See her reply below: Below is the response from one of my veterinary colleagues, I did not think of an infection it would certainly explain the breakdown of the cartilage, and the almost torn appearance.
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