The world’s first off-road solar car, developed by TU/e’s student team Solar Team Eindhoven

“Stella Terra“ is the first off-road car powered by the energy of the sun, making it independent of charging stations. Stella Terra is robust enough to navigate not only on paved roads but also on rough terrain. In October, the team will depart for Morocco, where the car will undergo extensive testing, including in the Sahara desert. The solar energy for Stella Terra is collected by solar panels on the roof. With these solar panels and its robust construction, Stella Terra achieves complete independence in a sustainable manner, anywhere in the world. This solar car, which is road legal, has a top speed of 145 kilometers per hour, weighs only 1200 kilograms , and has a range of 630 kilometers on a sunny day. 💥 Learn all about the car, the team, and the challenges with Stella Terra’s development right here:
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