Ruby A RWBY Fangame Switching Characters Weiss with Sound v2

Now we get the full experience! This is an exciting new Mechanic! Music sounds even better with sound fx: Also note the new visual que when you switch characters. Original Description below: First off, a new custom Soundtrack coming! Special thanks to Dali Rakhimkulov for this battle theme Inspired by Jeff Williams RWBY soundtrack! You can see more of Dali’s work here: progress on Playable Weiss, Ruby’s AI, and the ability to switch between:Wow so much code, my head hurts... Switching will default to spacebar, and is available anytime you have a partner (Weiss only at first, the Blake and Yang after) You will notice Ruby and Weiss portrait switch positions as well as Weiss Aura taking the top bar and Ruby Taking the bottom. The energy bar reflects Weiss energy and not Ruby’s. Yes that means no ’Shared Energy’ between each character. What is shared is Dust and Bullets. Keep in mind that Bullets and Dust used by an A
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