When a Communist Attends a Trump Rally...

When a Communist Attends a Trump Rally... The hashtag #MAGACommunism trended for nearly the entire month of September on twitter. The responses were... Amusing to say the least. Both leftists and some elements of the far-right swore up and down that the notion was patently absurd, terminally online nonsense. How could MAGA supporters come around to agreeing with Communistic ideas? Some even claimed that going to a MAGA rally while talking about MAGA Communism would get you severely beaten. For some reason, these ideologists had a vested interest in preventing what would otherwise be a natural alliance - between the insurgent populist and primarily working class MAGA movement, and the ideas of Communism. I decided to put all of their claims to test. If the leftist and anime rightist ideologists were right, then mere mention of the word MAGA Communism would guarantee to land me in the hospital by the end of the night. MAGA people could not possibly agree with Communist ideas, like the proletarian
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