Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave an absolutely phenomenal speech last night at the RNC

Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave an absolutely phenomenal speech last night at the RNC. This clip was my favorite part. She told a story about when she worked for him that shows President Trump’s true character behind the scenes & the type of leader he is. As press secretary, she endured vile attacks from the radical left. One day, when she was feeling down, President Trump pulled her aside and said: “Sarah, you’re smart. You’re beautiful. You’re tough. And they attack you because you’re good at your job. Never let them stop (you from) fighting!” This is one of many stories I’ve heard from people who worked directly for President Trump. The media doesn’t want you to see this side of him. Highly recommend watching the full speech which can be seen here Source: TheStormHasArrived17
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