Mount Rushmore dedicated by President Roosevelt (1936)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Thomas Jefferson’s face being unveiled at incomplete Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, and Franklin Roosevelt speaking Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: From South Dakota USA: Keystone: South Dakota: EXT JEFFERSON, Thomas Memorial unveiled at Mt Rushmore by Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt LINCOLN, Abraham Memorial under construction at Mt Rushmore U.S. MEMORIALS Rushmore Memorial to Washington, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, & Lincoln - Sculptor Gutzon Borglum ROOSEVELT. President. Unveils Memorial at Mt Rushmore to , “G. Washington, A. Lincoln, T. Roosevelt Memorials under construction ROOSEVELT, Theodore Memorial under construction at Mt Rushmore U.S. WASHINGTON, George Memorial at Mt Rushmore under construction MEMORIAL TO THOMAS JEFFERSON DEDICATED BY FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT AT MOUNT RUSHMORE. GEORGE WASHINGTON,
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