How I paint League of Legends Splash Art - Caitlyn Resistance Splash Art Process

I’ve been asked about this video a lot and I finally quit being lazy and came out with it! This is my process video for how I generally worked on splash art images for games like League of Legends and Smite. I would’ve shown the whole 20 hour real time process video but honestly I don’t know what I would’ve talked about to fill that time up and it would’ve had to be published as several videos. For a summarization of my overall splash art process, I would generally start with research and reference gathering based on the brief I would be sent. Then, I would move into the thumbnail/ideation stage where I start drawing a lot of small, quick sketches and explore different camera angles and story beats to help express the character and the story the client wants to showcase. Next, I would refine a small number of those thumbnails that I liked the look of and thought were the most successful. After that, I’d move onto either exploring color and lighting OR I start to lay out the
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