How to make a yarn tassel, free video tutorial. DIY tassel tutorial

How to do a tassel, the perfect yarn tassel for your crochet project (or knitting or DIY project). A tassel out of yarn for your crochet shawl is easy after seeing this video tutorial and will give your shawl that little extra. You can use this tassel tutorial to make tassels for anything. Just put beads on if you want beaded tassels. Now you’ll never have to be “tasselless“ again! ☺️ Check my website out, . Here you can find more FREE crochet shawl patterns (and other great ones too!). Hope to see you around and don’t forget you crochet therapy time! It’s important! The pattern for the shawl is the Nordic Dragon Tail shawl, an easy free crochet shawl pattern with a video tutorial, also here on my channel. The pattern is also available for purchase as a printable, nicely layouted version on Ravelry or on Etsy If you don’t have a Ravelry account you can still buy the pattern really easy by following this link: Thank you so much for your support and I hope you enjoy the pattern! Be sure not to miss anything new coming up by following me on my other channels, Facebook, Instagram and more! Check out more on
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