Three Palestinian men going to family dinner shot in Vermont

Police are investigating a cause of motivation after a man walked up to three Palestinian men and shot them in Burlington, Vermont near the University of Vermont campus. NBC News’ Tom Winter reports on the latest details from Burlington police and whether federal authorities will investigate.  » Subscribe to MSNBC: Follow MSNBC Show Blogs MaddowBlog: ReidOut Blog: MSNBC delivers breaking news, in-depth analysis of politics headlines, as well as commentary and informed perspectives. Find video clips and segments from The Rachel Maddow Show, Morning Joe, The Beat with Ari Melber, Deadline: White House, The ReidOut, All In, Last Word, 11th Hour, and Alex Wagner who brings her breadth of reporting experience to MSNBC primetime. Watch “Alex Wagner Tonight” Tuesday through Friday at 9pm Eastern. Connect with MSNBC Online Visit :
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