#130 - David Levy Interview (DOOM Eternal, Mixing, Gen:Lock, Royalties, Passive Income, Mick Gordon)
David Levy is a film, television and video game composer who is most well known for partly composing the soundtrack to the DOOM Eternal DLC - The Ancient Gods
#doometernal #ancientones #immora
00:00 - Intro
00:57 - How David Ended Up Scoring For Ancient Gods DLC
02:00 - David Was Told Not To Copy Mick Gordon
02:58 - Atlantica Was The First Track David Worked On/Intensity Levels
05:25 - Ambience To Combat To Heavy Combat
06:28 - Mick Gordons Mixing
07:54 - Modulators/Plugin Units David Used For Ancient Gods
09:15 - How David Composed For Ancient Gods DLC
10:45 - Trial Of Malligog/Music David Worked On
12:45 - Working With Andrew Hulshult
14:00 - Davids Work History/Difference Between Scoring Games & Film/Immora
17:45 - Avoiding Overnighters & Burnout
18:45 - Satanist Immora Story/Metal Choir Samples
21:39 - David’s Cat In His Videos
23:30 - Project Simulation
24:20 - Doing One Project At A Time/Energy Levels
26:11 - How David Structures His Day
27:05 - Ear Fatigue On DOOM/David’s Mixing
30:45 - Y