Ars Choralis Coeln - Maria Jonas, dir.:
“Rose van Jhericho“ - Das Liederbuch der Anna von Khöln ()
The Song Book of Anna of Cologne
Le chansonnier d’Anna de Cologne
CD info:
The Song book of Anna of Cologne contains latin and venacular songs from the late middle-ages in the Rhine-Meuse region. The songs are believed to originate from different women orders folowing father Geert Groote of Ultrecht (1340-1384) Devotio Moderna spiritual ideals. Venacular songs are written in different languages although most can be related to Ripurian (Rhinelandic) and Middle Dutch.
“Puer natus in bethleem“ : A child is born in Bethlehem
The story of Jesus’ incarnation, from the announcement by Gabriel to the visit of the Three Wise Men, is related in this Christmas song.