Mommy, Mommy, OBAMA’S A COMMIE!

To Download, order CD/DVD, ringtones, or hear more of Mike Fischer songs: This song is included on the new CD “Is It Too Late?“ by Mike Fischer. DVD of this clip available also. The CD contains 13 of Mike’s most popular songs. Samples at the site. This song took a year to write. It had been going through my mind long before I finally wrote it down. As a writer there are some things you just can’t shake. You might try to ignore it but it keeps coming back and you just know it’s meant to be recorded and shared. The screams of those on the left over the meaning of “Commie“, “Socialist“, or “Marxist“ can be so aggravating. Being born in 1947 and growing up in a time when we were having duck and cover drills in elementary school. For those who don’t know what that is, the air raid sirens would go off and we’d all get down on our hands and knees under our desks and cover our little hea
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