
The video is in two parts! Part 1 In this video I’m sharing a way to work with the quality of sts’ writing. Imagine a scenario: in a lesson your students at B2/C1 levels did an activity where they were to finish sentence halves all of which were conditional clauses and advanced ones for that matter. In the lesson you had just enough time to help them with the form of the target language and a bit of lexical precision but you saw that some of the sentences were sort devoid of “life“ in that they were vague, too general, sort of mechanical, which often happens when we ask students to finish sentence halves;) Needless to say, their teacher may not have time to reformulate more than, let’s say, 5 sentences in the same lesson. What can be done? I suggest the samples of our sts’ speech be refined after the lesson and dealt with in a subsequent lesson as a tailor-made revision activity. In this video I’m sharing one idea. Comments are very welcome!
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