Terraria 1.4 Journey’s End Launch Trailer for Nintendo Switch (ESRB)
The Terraria 1.4 Journey’s End update is now available for Nintendo Switch.
Journey’s End update highlights include:
• Master and Journey modes to challenge players or tailor their gameplay experience.
• New foes, including new bosses and surprising new events to seek out and confront.
• Quality of Life features (Block Swap, Void Vault, Boss Health Bars, Customizable UI, and more).
• Atmospheric and weather effects play a greater role than ever (watch out for gusts of wind!).
• The Terraria Bestiary to track enemies, allies, and critters encountered.
• Additional biomes and mini-biomes to explore, both above and underground.
• Golf, a new fun pastime for when you want to take a break from all the monster slaying .
• The addition of Town Pylons and NPC Happiness, an expansion on the town system that culminates with the ability to build a teleportation network to towns around the world .
• Graphic overhauls and UI improvements including a customizable split screen interface,
• New music tracks including an a