In search of ghosts, an abandoned building on Mount Akhun | Scary Horror Music | Haunted House

In search of ghosts, an abandoned building on Mount Akhun | Scary Horror Music | Haunted House Walking along Mount Akhun (Sochi), among trees and unobtrusive paths, you can stumble upon an abandoned restaurant. It was built in 1937, worked for only one year and there was a fire. Since 1938, the restaurant has frozen in time. Dust, crumbling walls, it all creates a dark, depressing atmosphere. There are many legends and rumors around the restaurant. In 2000, a car from a wedding cortege fell into the abyss next to him. There was a bride in the car. Many locals, ghost hunters, explorers and random people say they have heard female laughter, muffled music. Have seen some ghostly silhouette of a girl. Restaurant Akhun attracts at the same time with its Byzantine architecture, but also frightens with gloom and emptiness. Lovers of the paranolmal, ghost hunters, explorers, diggers often come to the Akhun restaurant for a thrill. Each of them wants to reveal a secret, shoot a ghost on camera, or simply get a feeli
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