Having 10 Rivals In Your Basement! (Concept) | Yandere Simulator 1980s Mode

Thank you guys so much for 300,000 subscribers! I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude! Thank you! Follow me on Instagram: Yandere Simulator belongs to Yandere Dev () In the Yandere Simulator wiki, it states that up to ten rivals can be held in the basement at a time. It has also put a link to a tweet where Yandere Dev mentions that. This is where I got the idea to make this concept. The link to the wiki article: #:~:text=The basement is an area,is not fully complete yet. There was also a wiki article about restraining beds: The idea of tying the rivals to poles was taken from older builds of the game. I took the old TV from Ryoba’s room and added it to the living room for this video. I hope that the person who modeled these things don’t mind. Please let me know if there are any issue
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