Between Lines

“Between Lines” is an animated short film created by an all-women team that speaks to the scarring experience of schoolgirl bullying - and the recovery that follows. The narrative follows a young woman’s journey as she navigates isolation, exclusion and anxiety. Out of trauma, blooms a sense of healing and connection. Learn more at ------------------------------ CREDITS A film by Sarah Beth Morgan, in association with Hornet. Our team proudly features over 30 insanely talented women from all over the globe. Director: Sarah Beth Morgan Animation Director: Taylor Yontz Producer: Rebekah Hamilton VO / Sound / Music: Jennifer Pague Art Direction: Sarah Beth Morgan Design: Nuria Boj, Caroline Choi, Sarah Beth Morgan, Sara Ariel Wong Animation: Margaret Bialis, Erin Bradley, Amy Charlick, Esther Cheung, Rocio Cogno, Julie Craft, Antoinie Eugene, Thea Glad, Amanda Godreau, Michelle Grepo, Sami Healy, Yahira Hernandez, Jasper Hilgers, Yino Huan, HyoBin Kang, Collin Leix, Katherine Pryor, Rachel Reid, Issey Roquet, Anna Taberko, Aly Tain, Camille Vincent, Pip Williamson, Khylin Woodrow, Rachel Yonda, Taylor Yontz Story: Sarah Beth Morgan Poem: Nirrimi Firebrace Mix by: Hope Brush Strings Producer: Sophie Coran Violin: Shelby Yamin Cello: Nicole Boguslaw Strings Recorded by: Michael Cumming at Treacle Mine Recording Special Thanks: Hornet, Dez Stavracos, Tyler Morgan, Molly Bowman ------------------------------ LINKS Official Website Made in Association with Hornet Instagram TikTok @wonderfallll source:
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