How to release emotions trapped in your body - Dr. David Hawkins “Letting go” technique

Hello everyone and welcome to my channel or welcome back! My name is Lia, author of the book “Transform your life: 10 steps to release what doesn’t serve you and build the life you truly want”. In this video I want to talk to you about one of the best techniques to let go of emotions and that is the letting to technique by Dr. David Hawkins. I talk a lot about it in my book and wpuld like to show you step by step how to implement it. Dr. David Hawkins was a psychiatrist, pysichian and spiritual teacher. He wrote several books about conciousness and the different levels we can reach throught our spiritual journey. He is most famous for his map of conciousness and the muscle testing technique he uses to draw his conclusions. If you are interested in his work I really recommend the books Letting go and Power vs Force. Dr. Hawkins explains in his book that we normally either repress, supress or express deep negative emotions but that is not really healthy for us. When we repress th
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