Saints Row | The Districts of Santo Ileso

A new city brings new opportunity! Take a look at the various districts and locations in Santo Ileso, the biggest and best Saints Row city to date! Pre-order Saints Row – Bright lights, big city – we have the biggest and best Saints Row city yet, and it’s packed with things to do. Santo Ileso has a crime problem, and we can work with that. With varied districts, points of interest and inhabitants just living their best (or worst) lives, it’s built for exploration. Your job to build a new criminal empire means you get to take control of these districts from Marshall, Los Panteros and The Idols. Their key territories are... Rancho Provedencia – Los Panteros territory, home to the iconic old Scorpion factory where they work on their precious cars as well as other industries like the Panther Juice Hot Sauce factory. Lakeshore is controlled by Marshall, practically owned by it – an urban jungle of skyscrapers and businesses, marked by Marshall’s iconic HQ building – you can’t miss
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