President Tito Visits Ghana (1961)

Location: Ghana Story about President Tito of Yugoslavia visiting Ghana to meet Prime Minister Dr. Kwame Nkrumah Various angle MSs. guns firing in salute. LS. as President Tito’s yacht “Galeb“ approaches harbour at Tema. GV. of the yacht “Galeb“ as it berths. LS. as Nkrumah alights from car. MS. Nkrumah and ministers awaiting Tito’s arrival. MS. into CU. President and Mrs. Tito come down gangway and are warmly greeted by Nkrumah. and presented with flowers. MS. into CU. Tito and Nkrumah pass camera and mount dais. Good CU. Tito. CU. Nkrumah. MS. CU. Tito and Nkrumah. Various shots, Tito inspects Ghana Naval guard of honour. CU. Ghana chiefs in tribal robes. CUs. Tito shakes hands with Chiefs and other officials. CUs. Chiefs in tribal robes. Good CU. Nkrumah speaking. Good CU. Tito speaking. Various shots, as they leave dais and enter car - Mrs. Tito and Mrs. Nkrumah are also seen. Various shots of the cars and motorcycle escort along road. MS. into CU. as cars and motorcycle escort arrive a
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