Toxic masculinity; a flawed idea

In recent years an ideology has arisen that masculinity is, in itself, a bad and undesirable thing. Culpin, I., Heron, J., Araya, R., Melotti, R., & Joinson, C. (2013). Father absence and depressive symptoms in adolescence: findings from a UK cohort. Psychological Medicine, 43(12), 2615–2626 Ellis, B. J., Bates, J. E., Dodge, K. A., Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., Pettit, G. S., & Woodward, L. (2003). Does father absence place daughters at special risk for early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy?. Child development, 74(3), 801–821. doi: Levy-Shiff, R. (1982). The Effects of Father Absence on Young Children in Mother-Headed Families. Child Development, 53(5), 1400-1405. doi: La Guardia, A. C., Nelson, J. A., & Lertora, I. M. (2014). The impact of father absence on daughter sexual development and behaviors: Implications for professional counselors. The Family Journal, 22(3), 339–346.
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