WHY Lu Xiaojun’s “Lu Raises“ are Genius for Weightlifting

In this video we are going to discuss the shoulder accessory exercise performed by Lu Xiajun, Dubbed “Lu Raises” and WHY they are an excellent way to load the shoulder in various ranges. The Shoulder joint There are 4 joints that make up the shoulder complex: Scapulothoracic, ST, GH, glenohumeral, SC, sternoclaviucvlar and finally the AC acromioclavicular. If we consider all of the movements and joints in the context of olympic weightlifting, the shoulder complex moves through all of these positions at some point in the snatch and clean and jerk. Let me know in the comments what you think of Lu raises, and if you incorporate these movements in your training. 0:00 Introduction 0:11 The Shoulder & Lu Raises 1:12 How To: Lu Raise 1:42 Regression 2:15 Thanks for watching Learn about my gym Videos Featured in this video: LU Raises (Lateral Raises) | LU Xiaojun training during AWC2020 .
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