White Helmets “Long live Jaish Al Fateh“ an Al Qaeda-led terrorist coalition. Idlib 2015.

Thank you to Jason Jones for this latest evidence of White Helmets working with Al Qaeda in Syria... @DPRKJones and his YouTube channel “Jaish al-Fateh is a coalition of Jihadist groups in Syria formed in March 2015 and led by Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham. It was this coalition that in the span of one month (March 24 – April 25) managed to defeat the Syrian army taking from them most of Idlib province in the northwestern part of the country. During the next few months it had several military successes against government forces such as in Al-Mastuma, Ariha and Al-Ghab. However, in October 2015, after differences between the factions over the application of Islamic Law, Jabhat al-Nusra and Jund al-Aqsa left the coalition resulting in it’s disbandment.“
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