Скоростной способ покраски средневековой армии. Грейджои ASOIAF.
How to paint Warhammer 40k army or Age of Sigmar army fast with Citadel Contrast paints for beginners. This fast painting tutorial will show you how to get your miniatures army tabletop ready using dry brushing and Slapchop painting guide.
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As your pile of Games Workshop Space Marine box sets, Warhammer 40k, 30k, Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game armies and unpainted Ag of Sigmar miniatures stacks up you realize you must soon start painting some of your Warhammer collection for an upcoming competitive tournament but you are running out of time! Never fear! Today we are going over a fast speed painting method to help get your Warhammer army painted quickly. This beginners painting guide will show you how to drybrush and how to use contrast paints to paint your miniatures fast to a tabletop ready standard. You can use citadel contrast paints from Games Workshop, Vallejo Xpress Colour Army Painter Speedpaint, dipping inks and Games Workshop shades and washes to achieve the same results.
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My name is Danny and the goal of this miniature tabletop channel is to inspire likeminded passionate miniature painters with entertaining content on the hobby
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This channel will cover Warhammer 40k and its faction tactics and painting guides for all the factions in the Warhammer 40k universe; Chaos Space Marines, Sisters of Battle, Imperial Guard, Chaos Daemons, Orks, Necrons, Space Marines, Drukhari (Dark Eldar), Eldar, Tau and Tyranids. I also enjoy painting D&D miniatures (Dungeons and Dragons) and Age of Sigmar (AOS) from Games Workshop. And the factions; Stormcast Eternals, Fyreslayers, Idoneth Deepkin, Sylvaneth, Seraphon, Khardron Overlords, Fyreslayers, Chaos, Khrone, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Nagash, Nighthaunts, Bonereapers, Gloomspire Gitz, Ogor Mawtribes, Orruk Warclans, Sons of Behemat and lots of scenery building and painting guides.
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