New Mobile Games | BUG HEROES: TOWER DEFENSE (Android iOS) gameplay

#NewMobileGames #BugHeroesTowerDefense #gameplay New Mobile Games | Bug Heroes: Tower Defense (Android iOS) gameplay Foursaken Media has released an early version of Bug Heroes: Tower Defense for smartphones. Bug Heroes: Tower Defense is a 3D tower defense game. It is published by Foursaken Media, which is familiar to mobile gamers from games such as War Tortoise, Heroes and Castles 2 and Bug Heroes 2. An early version of Bug Heroes: Tower Defense is available on Google Play in all countries. IOS gamers can download the game via TestFlight. Players will use 10 types of bug heroes: spiders, ants, worms, and so on. They need to be leveled up. Also in Bug Heroes: Tower Defense, you have to use towers to stop enemies. The developers promise amazing graphics and a huge single player campaign. Also, the enemies are varied, so that the gameplay does not get bored with each new level. Interestingly, the characters can be controlled from a third-person perspective. During the levels,
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