MLP: A Very Minty Christmas - That’s What I Love About Christmas
Don’t worry if I haven’t been posting Littlest Pet Shop videos lately, I still have a few more coming! My birthday is actually tomorrow, I turn 18. :D
Copyright by Hasbro, I do not own the copyright. This is the first song that appears in the movie My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas, along with its reprise at the end of the movie. The music is by Mark Watters and the lyrics are by Lorraine Feather. The reprise is sung by Tabitha St Germain, who also voices Pepper Clark in Littlest Pet Shop. I know it’s exactly halfway between Christmas, but it’s never too late (or early) to upload holiday videos. This set of songs I’m uploading from this movie are something I want to listen to personally. I want these songs on my iPod, so I cut them from the original movie and uploaded them. I haven’t seen any other people who have uploaded these, so why not? Feel free to enjoy these songs as well!
Houses decked with lights, glowing bright on frosty night
With a wreath on every door.
Drifting through the air is the laughter that we share
With our dearest friends once more!
And that’s what I love about Christmas!
Hard to believe that it’s almost here!
That’s what I love about Christmas!
Have a merry one this year!
Snowflakes in a swirl, every boy and every girl
Bundled up in red and green.
Tinsel on the tree, every year we all agree
It’s the grandest one we’ve seen!
And that’s what I love about Christmas!
Hard to believe that it’s almost here!
That’s what I love about Christmas!
Have a very merry one this year!
The Santa Claus sleigh will be heading our way
Down a river of stars, he’ll fly.
Donner and Dancer, and Dasher and Prancer
Will eagerly pull the sky!
A thousand bells ringing, the silver song singing
We’re joining in far and wide.
The happiest face, the warmest embrace
Is the feeling of joy inside!
That’s what I love about Christmas!
Can you believe that it’s almost here?
That’s what I love about Christmas!
Have a merry one this year!
Carols in the park, trees that twinkle in the dark
Easy smiles and great good cheer.
Memories all a-glow, friends we met so long ago
That we still hold near and dear!
That’s what I love about Christmas every year!~
Reprise: (Sung by Tabitha St. Germain)
Rainbow colored lights, glowing bright on Minty night
And a bow on every door.
Dancing through the air is the laughter that we share
With our pony pals once more!
And that’s what I love about Christmas!
Hard to believe that it’s almost here!
That’s what I love about Christmas!
Have a merry one this year!
Coconutty snow, every pony that I know
Bundled up in pink and green.
Gumdrops on the tree, every year we all agree
It’s the sweetest one we’ve seen!
And that’s what I love about Christmas!
Hard to believe that it’s almost here!
That’s what I love about Christmas!
Have a very merry time this year!
Our Twinkle Twirls twirling, our Pinkie Pies whirling,
The party has just begun!
With Starcatcher singing, and jingle bells ringing
Sweetberry joins in the fun!
We’re dancing away in our favorite cafe
Rainbow Dash and Minty too!
Our voices raised higher than stars up in the sky
As we celebrate a dream come true!
That’s what I love about Christmas!
Can you believe that it’s finally here?
That’s what I love about Christmas!
It’s a merry one this year!
Stockings full of treats, carols drifting down the streets
Easy smiles and great good cheer.
Ponyville’s a-glow and it’s wonderful to know
That our dearest friends are near!
That’s what I love about Christmas!
Have a very Minty Christmas!
This year!~
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