Car Crash, 1981--Full Movie

Car Crash, 1981--Full Movie---starring Joey Travolta Tagline: “Not Even the Mob Can Stop Them...“ - The bare bones plot of Car Crash is just an excuse for Antonio Margheriti to fill 90 minutes of screen time with car stunts, car crashes, cars vs trucks, cars jumping trains, cars vs helicopters, etc. You get some good-natured buddy stuff between Joey Travolta and Italian beef Vittorio Mezzogiorno as two lovable gear-crunching demolition derby drivers. On their way to a big payday demo derby they get mixed up with the mob, a sexy girl and a kooky millionaire played by John Steiner. Put your brain on cruise control and enjoy the 80’s fashions, music and cheesy (Italian-style) action. CAR CRASH has an undeniably cheap look to it which mainly comes from the cheesy effects and tacky camera work. The plot is so lacking as to be barely noticeable, more of an excuse to have our heroes traveling through different directions and taking part in as many car chases and races as is humanly possible to pack into a ninety-five minute running time.
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