Israeli art students in WTC connected to September 11, 2001

Willie Rodriguez, one of the janitors who worked at the WTC and helped save lives that day, was the last person pulled from the rubble and was even recognized by the president for his actions. Aside from experiencing basement and sub-level explosions on 9/11 before the 1st plane hit, he also stated that he did see the art students in the WTC in an email exchange I had with him. So why is all this information about an innocent art stunt so important, aside from the fact that these individuals had WTC construction passes in 2000 before releasing their book in August of 2001? Because according to the DEA report on the investigation into a separate story of art students in the country penetrating military bases, government agencies and so fourth as a part of a spy ring, 2 names show up in the arrests of over 140 spies that sparked interest for me. Hanan Serfaty was arrested by DEA agents in connection to the Israeli spy ring. What makes him stand out, is that he was listed as being an art student who was ap
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