Jump Jet (1966)

Brands Hatch, Kent. Several shots show a man in a white jump-suit and helmet being strapped into a new jet pack, devised for use by astronauts in space or on the moon (?). The demonstration seems to be part of a press conference at Brand’s Hatch racetrack; photographers and film cameramen are seen in the crowd around the ’astronaut’. Some great shots show the man demonstrating a jump jet flight - he goes up pretty high! There is a cheesy and unconvincing cutaway to C/U of the man’s face, smiling during his supposed flight. After landing he lines up beside a Grand Prix racing car, and the two start off on a race, the car speeding along the ground and the man sweeping through the air in the jump jet! Looks like great fun - I want one! Note: one of the men attending to the astronaut has ’Bell Aerosystems / Textron / Rocket Belt Team’ on the back of his jacket - presumably the makers or developers of the invention. Cuts exist - see separate records. FILM ID:375.1 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EX
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