Alkyone - Xenitemena mou poulia & Nanourisma

@alkyone4398 - Shot in Thessaloniki, 2023 00:00 Intro 00:00 Xenitemena mou poulia (an Epirus traditional song) 00:00 Nanourisma (an Asia Minor traditional lullaby) ’I went looking for new Greek music. A few days before my arrival, I received a link from a local friend to a traditional song reinvented in a flamboyant way by a young singer, Alkyone, from northern Greece. I didn’t even get to the end of the song that I was already looking for her contact information. Two weeks later, I was landing in Thessaloniki completely hallucinated after a pilgrimage to Mount Athos. On the bus back to the city, I managed to get in touch with Maria (that’s her name) and ask her to meet me that evening to prepare a piece or two. She’s a little unsure of herself, but she knows Blogothèque well and finally takes the plunge. We get to a friend’s studio, where Thodoris is waiting for us on cello, and the two of them launch into a gentle, epic performance, building steadily towards a finale of
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