LiQuie - Try it

Bold and life-asserting debut single “TRY IT“ - its a kind of signal, forewarning of new wave of mainstream. Flawless synthesis of classic musicality and dancing culture. Lyrics of her songs are mind blowing dynamic. Every metaphor contains a challenge to social norms, an evolution of understanding of what is acceptable, revolution of common values. Her disarming sincerity closing up the distance, causing the resonance. Absolute unpredictability of what to expect, there is no usual bounds. Production: Segodnya Production Director/setup: Danila Malakhov 2nd director/style: Ekaterina Zakharova Director of photography/editing: Daniil Karpyuk Makeup/hair style: Julia Tunik Model agency: Guilty Models Lyrics by Angelika Alemaskina Music by Angelika Alemask
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