6th Generation Fighters Are Coming

A sixth-generation fighter is a conceptualized class of jet fighter aircraft design more advanced than the fifth-generation jet fighters that are currently in service and development. Several countries have announced the development of a sixth-generation aircraft program, including the United States, China, United Kingdom, India, Russia, Italy, Sweden, Japan, Germany, Spain, Taiwan and France. Currently, the United States has two projects: the Air Force’s ‘Penetrating Counter-Air’—a long long-range stealth fighter to escort stealth bombers—and the Navy’s FA-XX. So far, Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, and Northrop-Grumman have unveiled sixth-generation concepts. 6th Generation Fighters Are Coming Other videos you might like: 1 Battle Made the F-15E Feared around the World ► The World’s Fastest Jet the USA Ever Built ► Nothing Seems to Fight America’s Aircraft Carriers ► 🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO US ► Thank You
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