Israel’s Soon Toppling and Take Over of Jordan | Bill Salus

The fragile peace pact between Jordan and Israel inhibits the fulfillment of three end times prophecies. 1. The conclusion of the Arab-Israeli conflict, which is achieved when the Psalm 83 war prophecy happens. Jordan is a member of the Arab attackers in this prophecy. Some say that Psalm 83 can’t happen as long as Jordan is at peace with Israel. That’s about to change. 2. The building of the Third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. Jordan has control of the Temple Mount and unless the status quo changes, Jordan won’t likely ever approve of a Jewish Temple being built on the Temple Mount. Something has to happen that changes the status quo. 3. The fleeing of the Faithful Jewish Remnant to Petra, Jordan at the midpoint of the Tribulation Period. In Matthew 24:15-16 Jesus instructs the Jews to flee immediately when the Antichrist performs the Abomination of Desolation in the Jewish Temple. The mountains are located in Southern Jordan. Presently, it’s hard to imagine that the Jordanian gover
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