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Blogginlägg - Rikets ankomst (The arrival of the Kingdom of God): OS-invigningen i Barcelona 1992: @laverdadocultadelser:8/CEREMONIA-DE-APERTURA-OLIMPICA-DE-BARCELONA-1992.:6 London 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony, New world order agenda: @QuantumRhino:9/London-2012-Olympic-opening-ceremony,-New-world-order-agenda:f London Olympics CV19 Opening Ceremony w/ Alternate Commentary @JWild:6/olympic-ceremony:8 Wuhan, China. October 18, 2019 - Opening ceremony of the World War Games. Video illustration: Can’t get more Luciferian than a snowflake representing the Star of Remphan over a globe earth causing the Aurora Borealis. This was at the 2022 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony. @MickeHagenbo:9/wuhan,,-2019-opening:3 ABBA: @MickeHagenbo:9/ABBA:e Kontakt Micke: ’at’ Min mission är att befria människor ifrå
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