~【なのちゅん】可愛い君が愛おしい! 踊ってみた 【バレンタイン♡】 - Niconico Video sm38275913

I love you so cute! !! & Happy Valentine! !! Nano-chan is so cute when I came to Fukuoka last year I had them take a picture together! !! Sorry for posting too late There are some ups that I don’t need, but please enjoy the cuteness of Nano-chan! !! 振付ご本家様→ 楽曲ご本家様→ ♡踊り・撮影・編集 ちゅんた マイリス→mylist/65982857 twitter→@ct_aoi_kaji ♡踊り(Special thanks) 花野なの マイリス→mylist/66200286 twitter→@meshinomai58 ちゅんた 02/14/2021 20:39 Views 494
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